I used to be unsure
"Well, that sounds okay" I said
So uncertain
Why don't you come on in?
Afraid of life
What's stopping you?"
Shut up within myself
The voice replied:
On the inside
"The door is bolted -
Looking out
On the inside"
I was never sure
And I saw that He was right
What was real
That I myself was shutting out
And what was just illusion The truth and light
I couldn't see
So I pulled back the bolt
Bricked up in here
Opened the door
Behind my wall
And let Him in
Sometime, in the distance
And now that I am truly free
I'd catch a glimpse
I look around
Of glorious light
At all the other prisoners
The truth was there
Who are still in there
But distorted
Shut away behind their walls
By my barriers
So sad - so lost
One day I heard a noise
And I want to break in
Someone knocking
To make them understand
And found, to my surprise Just what it means to be free
That in my wall
But I can't reach them
(Unknown to me)
Their doors are bolted
There was a door
On the inside too
At first I took no notice
Oh listen, all you people
Then I just said
Shut in - hidden away
"Why don't you go away? When you hear Him knocking
Leave me alone -
Don't be frightened
I'm safe shut up
Open the door
Alone in here"
And let Him set you free!
But then a voice said:
"How can you live
Forever in the dark
If you just let me in
I'll bring you light
And air and love"