I hear His name on every tongue
But said in such a way
It makes me wince and catch my breath
The things that people say
Oh Christ, Oh Jesus, for God's sake
I hear them shout and yell
I must say
something, make a stand
Not hide inside my shell
They use His names as swearwords
My Master - Who I love
(And probably, if they read this
They'd say: Oh Lord Above!)
Oh can't they see these
names they use
Belong to someone real
And if they let Him take their hands
Then all their wounds He'd heal
If they just thought of who He is
And what He has endured
They wouldn't use His name that way
Of that I am assured
If I only had the courage
To tell them face to face
To make them see they're using
The right words in the wrong place
I hear it everywhere I go
It just can't be ignored
So I will use the words myself