And now these three remnain

Good Day Bad DaY

I am having a good day

Everything is brilliant

And God’s in His heaven

And right here with me


I am having a bad day

Everything is terrible

But still God’s in His Heaven

And right here with me.

Oh Christ

I hear His name on every tongue

But said in such a way

It makes me wince and catch my breath

The things that people say


Oh Christ, Oh Jesus, for God's sake

I hear them shout and yell

I must say something, make a stand

Not hide inside my shell


They use His names as swearwords

My Master - Who I love

(And probably, if they read this

They'd say: Oh Lord Above!)


Oh can't they see these names they use

Belong to someone real

And if they let Him take their hands

Then all their wounds He'd heal


If they just thought of who He is

And what He has endured

They wouldn't use His name that way

Of that I am assured


If I only had the courage

To tell them face to face

To make them see they're using

The right words in the wrong place


I hear it everywhere I go

It just can't be ignored

So I will use the words myself


Twisted Words

The  World twists words

To suit itself

Making big things seems small

And tiny things appear mountains

And me seem something I'm not


When I would be holy

It makes me "Holier than thou"

And when I would be sanctified

It makes me sanctimonious instead

What a difference!


And when I would be a saint

(With a small  "s"  that is)

It makes me one of those people

Who are supposedly perfect

(Complete with halo!)


Being holy  just means

Trying to  follow God's rules

Being sanctified is just being

Made acceptable to God

Through Jesus


A saint with a small "s"

Is one of God's people

In union with Christ

Which is what I am

Plain and simple


And being a member of the Church

Doesn't mean someone

Who just sits in a building

(Complete with Sunday best hat)

Once a week


For the Church isn't a building

(Or even a denomination)

It's all God's people together

Whoever and wherever they are

At any time


So, World, take note

Don't twist what I am

Holy, sanctified and a saint

And a member of God's Church

That's me !

New Age

This "New Age"

It makes me rage

The lies they tell

Lead straight to Hell


They say look after

Number one

Instead of looking

For the Son


I don't need New Age

You see

The Lord gave me

New life - for free!


New Age ? Oh No!

That's not for me

I've got New Life

In Christ that's free!

Here's Looking For You God!

We always seem to be searching, Lord

Seeking all kinds of knowledge

(Or perhaps we're just plain nosey)


Always looking for something

Searching for the truth

(That is - the truth as we see it)


Ever filled with curiosity

Trying out everything we can do

(And sometimes things we can't)


Looking at everything

That we're allowed to

(And sometimes things we're not)


Always trying and tasting

All kinds and manner of things

(Even sometimes - certain apples)


But what we're really looking for

Is You , our Lord and Creator

(Mind you, that's not easy to admit)


Can You be so hard to find, Lord

Or are we looking in the wrong places

( Or maybe with our eyes shut)

Always and for Never

Always searching

Always seeking

For a reason

For a cause



Always digging

Always delving

For a purpose

Without pause



Never guessing

Never knowing

Where the truth is

Where the lie



Never caring

Never thinking

About the One

Who came to die