This is the second - something we all need!

I've Seen

I've seen the error of my ways

I've seen the bad in all my days

I've seen the ransom paid for me

I've seen the One who set me free

Falling Short

I'm falling short

of the Kingdom

Always failing

To make the grade

I'm falling short

Of perfection

Good job then

The price is paid!

No Escape

No hiding place

No escape

No way out

No running away

No point in hiding


At the bottom of the sea

On top of the highest mountain

In the deepest, darkest cave

At the heart of the sun

At the edge of the universe


There is nowhere God isn’t

So I might as well stay right here!

Answering Service

Hello God

Are you there?

It’s only me


I just need to ask for - - - - - - -


I’m sorry

God is a bit busy at the moment

You have been placed in a queue

Your prayer request will be addressed

As soon as God (or the next available angelic call centre) has a moment to spare


To help us deal with your request more efficiently

Please select from the following options:


Press one if you need healing

Press two for relationship issues

Press three for children who have left home

Press four for children who won’t leave home

Press five for people you like who need help

Press six for people you don’t like but feel you should pray for anyway

Press seven for a secret never to be told

(No – sorry – that’s the magpie rhyme)

Press seven for honest government

(But only if you believe miracles still happen)

Press eight for help in the workplace

Press nine for help at home

(Except with the dishes – we don’t do dishes – pray for a dishwasher!)

Press Zero if you have no specific request but you just want a chat

Press the hash key if you can’t actually remember what you were praying for


Or hold and you will be connected as soon as non humanly possible


Please note your prayer may be recorded for training purposes



Actually, God, I think I prefer a direct line!


I know you do

So why don’t you stop treating me like Customer Services

And remember that I’m your Father

And that I love you

And that it’s still good to talk.


God has:


No answer-phone


No email out of office reply


No voice mail


No message service


No automated answering system


No engaged tone


No signal black spots


No switched off phones


No music while you wait to be connected


No call diversions


No call centres anywhere


No connection problems


No ex directory number



All you have to do

                                is say hello!


Can I Find?

Can I find the gate of heaven?

If I search both high and low

Can I find the way to heaven?

Do you know?


If I search through all the scriptures

And through every holy book

If I read all I can get my hands on

If I just look


Do you know what I am asking?

Do you know the way I feel?

Can you answer all my questions?

Are you real?


Can I find the gate of heaven?

Can I work out what is true?

Can I find the way to heaven?

Is it you?

Will I ever see you?

Will I ever see you, my child ?

Perhaps, one day, in Paradise

You were here such a short time

You never saw the day

The world, the trees , the sky

I never saw you

Or felt you, or held you

You were just there - inside

Such a small part of me

Someone, perhaps, who was

never meant to be

But someone I loved all the same

And still love - and still miss

Are you boy or girl ?

Boy, I think - but does it matter ?

You're my child - just my child

But where are you now ?

And will I ever see you

My dear, dear lost  child

Perhaps, one day, in Paradise

Here's Looking for you God!

We always seem to be searching, Lord

Seeking all kinds of knowledge

(Or perhaps we're just plain nosey)


Always looking for something

Searching for the truth

(That is - the truth as we see it)


Ever filled with curiosity

Trying out everything we can do

(And sometimes things we can't)


Looking at everything

That we're allowed to

(And sometimes things we're not)


Always trying and tasting

All kinds and manner of things

(Even sometimes - certain apples)


But what we're really looking for

Is You , our Lord and Creator

(Mind you, that's not easy to admit)


Can You be so hard to find, Lord

Or are we looking in the wrong places

( Or maybe with our eyes shut)